Our Services

Occupational Health Services
Occupational health care is a service provided and paid for by the employer for the purpose of supporting employees’ work ability. Occupational health care promotes a healthy workplace environment and safe working conditions.
An Occupational Health Assessment is a medical examination performed by an Occupational Health Physician. Its main aim is to advise employers on the employee’s health and make recommendations on what adjustments could be considered to ensure a safe/healthy working environment for that employee.
The aim of occupational health is to prevent work-related illness and injury by:
- encouraging safe working practices;
- ergonomics (studying how you work and how you could work better);
- monitoring the health of the workforce;
- supporting the management of sickness absence.
The service is medically confidential. Any information obtained by the occupational health doctor or nurse is strictly confidential to OH. No information is divulged to any third party, including the person’s general practitioner (GP) without the person’s informed consent.
If you are interest to work with us, please email us at enquiry@zipzip.com.my.

Vaccination & Travel Medicine
This schedule of recommended immunizations may vary depending upon where you live, your child’s health, the type of vaccine, and the vaccines available.
Some of the vaccines may be given as part of a combination vaccine so that a child gets fewer shots. Talk with your doctor about which vaccines your kids need.
- HepB:Hepatitis B vaccine. Ideally, the first dose is given within 24 hours of birth, but kids not previously immunized can get it at any age. Some low birth weight infants will get it at 1 month or when they’re discharged from the hospital.
1–2 months
- HepB:Second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first dose.
2 months
- DTaP:Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- Hib:Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
- IPV:Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
- PCV:Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- RV:Rotavirus vaccine
4 months
- DTaP:Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- Hib:Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
- IPV:Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
- PCV:Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- RV:Rotavirus vaccine
6 months
- DTaP:Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- Hib:Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations.
- PCV:Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- RV:Rotavirus vaccine. This third dose may be needed, depending on the brand of vaccine used in previous RV immunizations.
6 months and annually
- Influenza (Flu):The flu vaccine is recommended every year for children 6 months and older:
- Kids younger than 9 who get the flu vaccine for the first time (or who have only had one dose before July 2019) will get it in two separate doses at least a month apart.
- Those younger than 9 who have had at least two doses of flu vaccine previously (in the same or different seasons) will only need one dose.
- Kids older than 9 only need one dose.
- The vaccine is given by injection with a needle (the flu shot) or by nasal spray. Both types of vaccine can be used this flu season (2019-2020) because they seem to work equally well. Your doctor will recommend which to use based on your child’s age and general health. The nasal spray is only for healthy people ages 2–49. People with weakened immune systems or some health conditions (such as asthma) and pregnant women should notget the nasal spray vaccine.
6–18 months
12–15 months
- Hib
- MMR:Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles) vaccine
- Chickenpox (varicella)
12–23 months
- HepA:Hepatitis A vaccine; given as two shots at least 6 months apart
15–18 months
4–6 years
11–12 years
- HPV:Human papillomavirus vaccine, given in two shots over a 6- to 12-month period. It can be given as early as age 9. For teens and young adults (ages 15–26 in girls and ages 15–21 in boys), it is given in three shots over 6 months. It’s recommended for both girls and boys to prevent genital warts and some types of cancer.
- Tdap:Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster. Also recommended during each pregnancy a woman has.
- Meningococcal conjugate vaccine:And a booster dose is recommended at age 16.
16–18 years
- Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB):The MenB vaccine may be given to kids and teens in two or three doses, depending on the brand. Unlike the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which is recommended, the MenB vaccine is given at the discretion of the doctor.
Special circumstances
- HepA:can be given as early as 6 months of age to babies who will travel to a place where hepatitis A is common (they will still need routine vaccination after their first birthday). It’s also recommended for kids 2 years and older and adults who are at high risk for the disease. This includes people who live in, travel to, or adopt children from areas with high rates of hepatitis A, people with clotting disorders, people with chronic liver disease, homeless people, and drug users. The vaccine also can be given to anyone who wants immunity to the disease, and is useful for staff at childcare facilities or schools, where they may be at risk of exposure.
- The MMR vaccine:can be given to babies as young as 6 months old if they will be traveling internationally. These children should still get the recommended routine doses at 12–15 months and 4–6 years of age, but can get the second dose as early as 4 weeks after the first if they will still be traveling and at risk.
- The flu vaccine:is especially important for kids who are at risk for health problems from the flu. High-risk groups include, but aren’t limited to, kids younger than 5 years old and those with chronic medical conditions, such as asthma, heart problems, sickle cell disease, diabetes, or HIV.
- The meningococcal vaccines:can be given to kids as young as 8 weeks old (depending on the brand of vaccine) who are at risk for a meningococcal infection, such as meningitis. This includes children with certain immune disorders. Kids who live in (or will be traveling to) countries where meningitis is common, or where there is an outbreak, should also get the vaccine.
- Pneumococcal vaccines:also can be given to older kids (age 2 and up) who have conditions that affect their immune systems, such as asplenia or HIV infection, or other conditions, like a cochlear implant, chronic heart disease, or chronic lung disease.
Reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD
Date reviewed: September 2019
An outbreak is when a disease happens in greater numbers than expected in a particular area. If you have questions about vaccinating your family during an outbreak, ask us at Facebook messenger or email to enquiry2@zipzip.com.my
Travel medicine includes pre-travel consultation and evaluation, contingency planning during travel, and post-travel follow-up and care. Information is provided by the WHO that addresses health issues for travellers for each country as well as the specific health risks of air travel itself
As we enter a new era of “globalisation” we recognise the need for travel care and have created a facility to ensure the required protection and supervision is administered to the traveller.
Our objective is to prevent potential health problems that can occur in foreign environments. Our specialty lies in our wide range of vaccinations and procedures that extensively addresses various health issue in Travel Medicine.
- Anti-malaria tablets
- Chicken pox
- Cholera
- Hepatitis A (Adult & Children)
- Hepatitis B (Adult & Children)
- HPV (Human papillomavirus)
- Influenza
- Japanese encephalitis
- Meningitis
- Rabies
- Tetanus and diphtheria
- Typhoid
- Yellow fever
Contact us for more information, you may leave a message on Facebook messenger or email to enquiry2@zipzip.com.my.
Advice for Travelers
Before your travel
- Make sure the vaccinations required for the destination country are up to date
- Pack your vaccination and medical records
- Take the quantity of drugs you need for your trip, and more if you suffer from a chronic illness in case your return is delayed
- Take your medical prescriptions; you may be asked for them at the border
- Always keep essential drugs or an emergency kit with you in your carry-on luggage; don’t check them in
During your travel
- Should you have a medical problem, consult a doctor before buying any medication
- Only buy medications through official retail channels
- When purchasing, check the integrity of the packaging, and any visible anomaly on the leaflet, blister pack or actual medicine
A very low-priced medicine may be a telltale sign of a counterfeit product
THIS IS A GUIDE ONLY Advice will vary depending on destination, duration of travel, types of accommodation and what types of activities you take part in. You can use the below pre-travel assessment for travellers to discuss your requirement with your doctor. It not meant as an alternative to individual advice and should be used in conjunction with advice provided to you by a healthcare professional.
Beside the required/ recommendation vaccinations for your destination, WHO recommends that all travellers be up-to-date on their routine vaccination.
- Hepatitis B
- Haemophilus influenzae type b
- Human papillomavirus
- Influenza
- Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
- Pneumococcal disease
- Polio
- Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (DTaP,Td,Tdap)
- Tuberculosis
Contact us for more information, you may leave a message on Facebook messenger or email to enquiry2@zipzip.com.my

Wellness & Preventive Care
Preventive services consist of healthcare services that include check-ups, patient counselling, and screenings to prevent illness, disease and other health-related problems

Chronic Illness Management
Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer, for example, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and stroke.
What is a care plan?
A care plan is a management plan of a chronic condition which the doctor manages over a 12 month period. During this 12 month period, the doctor will set particular goals and targets that they want the patient to achieve which is then communicated with the patient so they are fully aware of how they will achieve these goals.
What is included in a care plan?
A care plan lasts for 12 months. During this period, patients receive 5 free visits to allied health from January and December.
If your care plan begins in June for example, patients will receive 5 free allied health visits from June-December AND another 5 free visits from January-June.
Who is eligible for a care plan?
To be eligible for a care plan, a patient must have a chronic condition that has lasted longer than 6 months or that the GP thinks will last longer than 6 months.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Chronic Pain (eg. back pain)
- Plantar Fasciitis
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Behavioural Problems (eg. developmental delays)
What is the cost of a care plan?
Care plans are completely free for our regular patients.
How do you organise a care plan?
To organise a care plan, please come in and speak to your regular GP to discuss the suitability of a care plan. The type of allied health that a patient will see is completely under the GP’s discretion.
If you are suitable for a care plan, our doctor will advice when to start to monitor.
To book an appointment at REMEDIC CLINIC, please call us or walk-in to any of our clinic or WhatsApp us to book your appointment.

Corporate Medical Solutions
Save time and reward your employees with our corporate medical solution.
We understand that building a productive and healthy workforce is one of your top priorities and your employees are the most valuable asset in the company. Whether you run a business of just a lean team of 10 or 150 strong, our Group can be specially designed for you to provide comprehensive medical coverage to your employees and their families. Have a peace of mind on growing your business and rest assured that your employees are well taken care of at all times.
Panel Clinic Lists:

Dental Services
General Dentistry Services
- Complete exams, x-rays, and dental cleanings
- Fillings, root canals, and extractions
- Cosmetic dentistry, such as whitening, porcelain and composite veneers
- Implants – placement and restoration
- Crowns, bridges, full and partial dentures
- Implants
- Orthodontics
- Oral appliances for control of sleep apnea
- Preventive care, periodontal therapy, and nutritional counseling
- Relaxation techniques using nitrous oxide sedation

IMPORTANT: Children and adult companions are not allowed in the treatment room with the patient. Children may not be let alone in the waiting area. Thank you for your cooperation.

FOMEMA Services
FOMEMA Sdn. Bhd. (“FOMEMA”) is the concession company appointed by the Government of Malaysia to manage, monitor and supervise a mandatory comprehensive health and medical screening programme for all foreign workers employed in the country, under Section 8, Subsection 3 (b), and Immigration Act 1959 (Act 155).
FOMEMA is the pioneer in providing medical examination for foreign workers in Malaysia. As the demand of foreign workers rises, FOMEMA grows in term of size and the scope of services, with 7 regional branches, 4 agents in Peninsular Malaysia and 1 agent in Labuan.
FOMEMA acknowledged as the main foreign workers’ medical examination monitoring agency in Malaysia, which has successfully manages and monitors more than one million medical examinations annually on foreign workers in the country.
As of now, FOMEMA utilises an extensive panel of medical service providers nationwide with more than 4, 000 numbers of clinics, X-ray centres and medical laboratories to conduct physical examinations, X-ray and laboratory tests as stipulated by its medical screening programme.
To embark on the public awareness of the communicable diseases phenomenon in Malaysia is the utmost desires of the organisation as how FOMEMA values the public and country health. FOMEMA believes healthy workers will produce a healthy and productive country.
(FOMEMA service is available at REMEDIC CLINIC KANGAR, REMEDIC CLINIC JITRA at the moment)
- The registration of FOMEMA Medical Examinations can only be made by the Authorised employers of the foreign workers’.
- In the event of the registrationmade by the representative, please provide Employer’s Representative Authorisation Letter including the details of the employer and the foreign workers to FOMEMA SDN. BHD.
- The registration of FOMEMA Medical Examinations can only be made at FOMEMA branches, Appointed Agents OR FOMEMA ONLINE WEB PORTAL
- Employers are advised to register for the renewal of FOMEMA Medical Examinations at least 3 MONTHS before the expiry of current work permit.
- If there are any changes of the worker’s passport, please attached a copy of the new passport (First page of the passport)
- Visa & Mastercard payment method is only applicablefor the registration made at FOMEMA branches.
- The validity period of the registration form for FOMEMA Medical Examinations is only THIRTY DAYS (30 DAYS)from the date of the registration made.

Medical Imaging
REMEDIC CLINICS offers a full range of diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology services for both adult and children with various medical conditions.
Our team of skilled radiologists works with the area’s most-advanced medical imaging technologies for faster diagnosis and treatment.
You take pictures to remember moments you don’t want to forget. At REMEDIC Clinics, we take pictures because they are an integral part of our ability to detect, diagnose, and treat your injury or illness. The locations in our network offer a full spectrum of clinical diagnostic and therapeutic medical imaging services — from routine X-rays to ultrasounds.
These leading-edge tools enable us to detect and identify your condition in its early stages while directing treatment to damaged or diseased areas with greater effectiveness. Once we get a clear and accurate picture of what’s going on inside, we can begin to provide the healing you need.
X-Ray, often called radiography, produces a two-dimensional image of the inside of the body. The X-ray beam passes through the body and is captured on a computerized detector. With this detailed picture, we can determine whether a bone is chipped, dislocated, or broken; evaluate joint injuries and bone infections; screen for heart and lung disease; locate objects accidentally swallowed by a child; and evaluate the source of abdominal pain.
Ultrasound Imaging, also called ultrasound scanning or sonography, is a non-invasive medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound examinations do not use ionizing radiation, as used in X-rays. Because ultrasound images are captured in real time, they can show the structure and movement of the body’s internal organs, as well as blood flowing through blood vessels.
What to Expect at Your Medical Imaging Test
You are not a fan of surprises. We hear you. That’s why we’ve provided a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for your medical imaging experience. From detailing what to bring with you to outlining every step of the procedure itself, our guides provide a timeline of what you can expect before, during, and after your imaging appointment. Let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
- Ultrasound
- X-Ray
We know that a clear and steady flow of information is important, so we make every effort to provide a surprise-free experience for you or your loved one. If you have any questions or concerns, let us know. We’re here for you.

Medical Screening Packages
Medical Screening Package. Health screening can help detect problems before the symptoms show. Screening allows you to prevent certain diseases, or greatly increases your chances of treating them successfully. Besides the individual health screening profiles offered, we have various health screening packages for couples and families. You can choose the various packages to share or gifted to your loved ones. Each package is specially designed with your needs, requirements and budget in mind. What better way to show that you really care for their well-being with their health?
Pre-Marital Packages (2 Pax RM680)
Congratulations for stepping into the next stage of life! This package allows you and your partner to get screened and receive family planning & personal health advice and programs. Be prepared to face new challenges in life!

Minor Surgery & Procedures
We deliver convenient and accessible health care where and when you need it. We are not a Hospital Emergency Department but we offer many similar services.
Our specialised staff manage many injuries and illnesses including:
- Burns
- Lacerations / Cuts/ Abrasions
- Minor fractures
- Broken bones
- Dislocations
- Eye and ear injuries
- Sports injuries
- Sprains and strains
Services and Facilities
- X-rays
- Plastering / casting
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Fracture management
- Sports injury and rehab
- Consultant specialists