“Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work” – Mother Teresa

Our team strongly believes that it is a human right to receive adequate medical care ad that everyone, regardless of their social statues should have access to medical assistance.
With modernization, many of us who live in the rural parts of the country many not even be aware that there are still many poor communities living in the outskirts who are deprived of this human right. And that is why our team is to stretch out and reach out to these communities- the poor and the underprivileged, who are suffering from disabilities and diseases to receive proper and thorough medical attention.
All our staffs and management are proud to provide support to Remedic Healthcare Foundation (RHF), a non -profitable charity organization that was founded upon a mission to provide the poor and the destitute aa right to receive basic medical and healthcare.
We believe that it is indeed a collaborative effort to give back to the community, especially to the unspoken and forgotten poor in need of medical help.
Together with all the committee of RHF, we often raised fund from public, without joining hands, we definitely could not make it happened.

Follow our activities and health related information at :
(RHF Facebook Page):
(RHF Join Hands for the Needy):